Organic Tea

Organic Tea

from $4.00

Dry Elderberry Tea

Pumpkin Spice Chai

Elderflower Cranberry Hibiscus

Yerba Mate 

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Organic Elderberry Tea aka E. Tea is out of this world. (You see what I did there). 

E. Tea comes ready in our tea bags.  Our tea bags are free from chemicals and residues, so you only get pure unadulterated elderberry tea. OG Tea bags are not your typical teabags with a string. You can either roll into a scroll and steep in your teacup or you can fold it over the outside of your teacup then remove after steeping for 5-10 minutes. You can add honey after the steeping has subsided to warm. 

E. Tea comes in a single tea bag and yields 12 oz of tea. There is a 4 pack available for $14. Just select the option above. 

Ingredients: Manila Hemp tea bag, organic elderberries, Ceylon cinnamon.